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Académie MELAG

Formation des techniciens

Cours de formation à la puissance pour les partenaires spécialisés : Avec nous, vous obtenez le paquet complet ! La théorie rencontre la pratique. En peu de temps, vous deviendrez un expert en hygiène MELAG pour l'installation, l'entretien et la réparation. Prêt pour le rock ? Alors, c'est parti !

Note importante : Veuillez vous connecter pour accéder au formulaire d'inscription.


Polish Product Training | 10.02.-12.02.2025

In our three-day Polish-language training course at the MELAG Academy in Berlin, technicians learn everything about the installation, inspection and repair of our pioneering innovative products and accessories.

02/10/2025 -


Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin


MELAtherm 10 - Series | 24.02.-25.02.2025

In a short time, we will introduce you to the most important highlights,
accessories, technical data and installation requirements. You will
also receive explanations from our experts on the design of the
individual components as well as on the programme overview and
operation. Practical training on installation and maintenance will also
be provided.

02/24/2025 -


Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

Vacuclave 123

Pro/Prime Line | 25.02.-26.02.2025

In a short time, we will introduce you to the most important highlights,
accessories, technical data and installation requirements. You will
also receive explanations from our experts on the design of the
individual components as well as on the programme overview and
operation. Practical training on installation and maintenance will also
be provided.

02/25/2025 -


Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

2017 Premium-Class Evolution

Premium-Class | 26.02.-27.02.2025

We will introduce you to the most important highlights, accessories, technical data and installation requirements. You will also receive practical explanations from our experts on the design of the individual components as well as on the programme overview and operation.

02/26/2025 -


Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

Vacuclave 550 2 in 1

Vacuclave 550 | 27.02.2025

In a short time, we will introduce you to the most important highlights,
accessories, technical data and installation requirements. You will
also receive explanations from our experts on the design of the
individual components as well as on the programme overview and
operation. Practical training on installation and maintenance will also
be provided.


Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin


Cliniclave 45 - Series | 28.02.2025

In a short time, we will introduce you to the most important highlights,
accessories, technical data and installation requirements. You will
also receive explanations from our experts on the design of the
individual components as well as on the programme overview and
operation. Practical training on installation and maintenance will also
be provided.


Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin