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Whistleblower Protection Act

Form for the protection of whistleblowers

You can submit your reports here at any time regarding your professional activities or in advance if you have information about potential violations. In order to allow us to provide you with a return of information on your case and to coordinate all the necessary details, please indicate your coordinates. Your report will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will be handled exclusively by the mediator.

Please note that the protection provided by the Whistleblower Protection Act, like the protection against reprisals, does not apply unless you have reasonable grounds to believe that the information provided was accurate at the time you made it public. The fait de fournellement intentionnellement de falses informations peut avoir des conséquences pénales.

It is important that you have valid reasons to suspect a violation, such as personal observations or reliable investigations. Spéculation alone is not subject to the protection of the denouncers. Consequently, as far as possible, you should include all the evidence available to you (e.g. witnesses, documents, photos or other relevant files).