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Quality and efficiency from A to Z

Intensive course: Quality Management Officer

From good to great:

How to optimize your practice processes and employee performance!

Find out how you, as a quality management representative, can make your practice more effective, patient-oriented and successful through targeted measures and continuous improvement processes. As experts in imparting essential quality management knowledge, we offer you not only theoretical basics, but also practical solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs and challenges of your practice. Whether you are new to quality management or would like to deepen your existing knowledge, our offer is aimed at anyone who wants to advance their practice through proven quality standards.

1750 €

November 11 2024 08:00

November 15 2024 15:30

Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

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  • WHAT:

    Learning, practising, workshop, exchanging, understanding, having fun, individual, training, "QM is as easy as baking a cake"

  • WHEN:

    Monday to Friday, 11 November - 15 November 2024

  • WHERE:

    MELAG Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Geneststraße 6-10, 10829 Berlin

Do you have any questions?
We will be happy to help!

Our Event Manager Katja Gehrmann is always available to answer any questions you may have about the event or ticket purchases.

  • Phone: +49 (0) 30 75 79 11 5861

  • E-mail: Gehrmann@melag.de

Katja Kontakt