The correct loading of your autoclave is crucial for safe and efficient sterilisation. An incorrect arrangement can impair the steam circulation and worsen the drying results. To ensure that your instruments are optimally reprocessed, you should observe the following points:
Wrapped instruments: The correct position is crucial
Ideally, sterilisation packaging made of film and paper should be positioned vertically in a holder - with paper against paper and film against film. If this is not possible, place the packaging flat on the tray with the paper side down, overlapping by a maximum of one third. Make sure that the sealed seam does not open - this could indicate that the packaging is too small.
Unwrapped instruments: make room for the steam
Unpackaged instruments should lie loosely on the trays without touching each other so that the steam can flow around them completely. Larger instruments or those with cavities should be placed in such a way that the condensate can drain away unhindered.
The correct sequence: think from top to bottom
There is a clear rule for loading the autoclave:
Top: Textiles and light packaging made of paper and transparent film
Centre: Wrapped instruments
Bottom: Unwrapped instruments and heavy loads such as sterilisation containers and containers
This arrangement ensures optimum steam distribution and prevents uneven drying.