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Learn the ABC of hygiene

Intensive course: Hygiene Management Officer

Hygiene is non-negotiable!

Make your practice future-proof.

Are you ready to not only make the day-to-day running of your practice easier, but also take your professional skills to the next level?

Invest in yourself with our one-week face-to-face seminar specifically designed to deepen your expertise. Together in an interactive workshop, you will gain the qualification of Hygiene Management Officer. Use this opportunity to advance your career and successfully implement sustainable hygiene standards in your practice.

October 7 2024 07:00

October 11 2024 14:30

Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

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  • WHAT:

    Learning, practising, workshop, exchanging, understanding, having fun, individual, training, "Hygiene is non-negotiable"

  • WHEN:

    Monday to Friday, 07.10.-11.10.2024

  • WHERE:

    MELAG Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Geneststraße 6-10, 10829 Berlin

Do you have any questions?
We will be happy to help!

Our Event Manager Katja Gehrmann is always available to answer any questions you may have about the event or ticket purchases.

  • Phone: +49 (0) 30 75 79 11 5861

  • E-mail: Gehrmann@melag.de

Katja Kontakt