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Knowledge meets entertainment

Seminars & Events

Experience the world of hygiene: In our state-of-the-art facilities and with our expert speakers, we will turn you into a hygiene expert! Because our events and training courses combine inspiration, dialog and lots of entertainment!


Hygiene Summit 2024 - For podology

1 day. 2 partners. 100% expert knowledge for the daily challenges in podiatry. Get valuable tips and best practices for cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation in exciting presentations. But that's not all: this year's Hygiene Summit 2024 combines inspiration and dialogue with plenty of entertainment with our keynote speaker Andrea Königsberger (Germany's most successful podiatrist on YouTube).

July 19 2024

Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

89 €

Melanie Pohl Hygiene Seminar Dortmund

Seminar in Dortmund zur Praxisbegehung: Rechtlich richtig aufgestellt

Betreten Sie den Weg zur rechtlichen Sicherheit für Ihre Praxis! In unserem Seminar: Hygienebegehung – Fit für die behördliche Begehung bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich optimal auf die steigenden Anforderungen der behördlichen Begehung vorzubereiten. Mit einem stetigen Zuwachs an Kontrollen in Arzt-und Zahnarztpraxen ist es wichtiger denn je, rechtliche Risiken zu vermeiden und Mängel zu erkennen, bevor sie zu ernsthaften Konsequenzen führen.

September 12 2024

Kammerstück 19

44357 Dortmund

150 €

DGSV Refresher "Reprocessing of medical devices"

DGSV Refresher "Reprocessing of medical devices"

The ongoing changes to laws, standards and guidelines make it necessary to keep staff constantly up to date with the latest technology in the reprocessing of medical devices.

September 17 2024

Südportal 3

22848 Norderstedt

150 €

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Refresher: Hygiene-Update in Dortmund 2024

Auf der Suche nach Best-Practices für die Hygiene? Dann aufgepasst:

Die Fortbildung von MELAG kommt jetzt in den Norden/Westen. Geballtes Wissen erhalten Sie an einem Nachmittag.

October 9 2024

Kammerstück 19

44357 Dortmund

79 €

Melanie Pohl 1x1
1 week intensive course:

Hygiene management officer

Would you like to make everyday life in your practice easier and benefit from our many years of experience? In our intensive one-week face-to-face seminar, you will gain valuable specialist knowledge and work with us in a practice-orientated workshop to qualify as a hygiene management officer. Optimise your professional situation and implement successful hygiene standards.

October 7 2024 -

October 11 2024

Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

1750 €

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MELAG, B.Braun & Storz

VET-Summit 2024 - Für die Tiermedizin [mit neuem Programm]

Auf der Suche nach modernen Best-Practices für die Veterinärmedizin? Dann aufgepasst: In spannenden Vorträgen, Keynote-Präsentationen und Gruppen-Workshops erhalten Sie an einem Tag wertvolle Tipps zur modernen Wundversorgung, von der Braunüle bis zur OP: Prävention von nosokomialen Infektionen, zur sicheren Aufbereitung starrer und flexibler Endoskope und zur Vermeidung der 10 häufigsten Fehler bei der Sterilisation.

October 30 2024

Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

95 €

Melanie 1x1
1 week intensive course

Quality Management Officer

Our goal is the intensive transfer of knowledge in order to improve the quality of your practice processes and keep them at a consistently high level. Quality is our top priority, because efficient work and an optimal structure are crucial for organizing your day-to-day practice in the best possible way and overcoming legal challenges. Find out how you can use your expertise as a quality management officer to make your practice even more successful.

November 11 2024 -

November 15 2024

Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

1750 €


DGSV 40 h Sachkundelehrgang

December 9 2024 -

December 13 2024

Geneststraße 6-10

10829 Berlin

550 €

Melanie Coaching
As individual as you are

Team training for hygiene & QM with Melanie Mnich-Pohl

Immerse yourself in the world of hygiene or quality management: Our individual coaching sessions leave no questions unanswered - because we tailor each training session perfectly to your practice, your team and your specific questions.

Do you have any questions?
We will be happy to help!

Our Event Manager Katja Gehrmann is always available to answer any questions you may have about the event or ticket purchases.

  • Phone: +49 (0) 30 75 79 11 5861

  • E-mail: Gehrmann@melag.de

Katja Kontakt