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Your direct line to us

You have questions? We the answers!

Our Hygiene Experts are at your side. Whether via online live demo or in your practice. Together we will find the ideal solution for you and clarify all questions regarding instrument reprocessing.

Contact persons

Pete Gibbons

Pete Gibbons
Northern Europe / BeNeLux

Lennart Hans

Lennart Hans
Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and South America

Jorge Borrero

Jorge Borrero
Eastern Europe / France

Milosz Splawinski

Splawinski 2

Mariusz Kalis

Southeast Europe / India

David Scheffler

David Scheffler
Russia / CIS countries

Alexey Evlanov

Alexey Evlanov

Maurizio Colnaghi

Maurizio Colnaghi
Africa / Middle East / Turkey

Adil Abouyaala

Adil Abouyaala
Greater China / Southeast Asia / Japan / Korea

Kilian Schröder

Kilian Schröder
North China

Zhang, Yan

Zhang, Yan
South China

Zhang, Chaochan

Zhang, Chaochan
Asia Pacific, Head of MELAG Asia Academy Center

Dr. Tew, Chian How

Tew, Chian How
Technical Manager - Southeast Asia

Yiong, Chee Kit

Yiong, Chee Kit
Switzerland / Austria

Dirk Strohbach

Dirk Strohbach
Infection Control Consultant - Japan

Dr. Kentaroh Nakamura

Dr. Kentaroh Nakamura
Global Director Sales and Marketing

Christoph Sandow

Christoph Sandow
International Sales Manager:

Sören Steffin

Sören Steffin
Business Development / International Sales Manager

Marc Hedler

Marc Hedler
Consultation 2.0

Via online live demo

Many sales-related questions about our product and accessories portfolio can be solved quickly and easily via online video consultation. Send us an appointment request for a live demo now.

Consultation in Person

On site in your practice

Our competent contact persons will be happy to help you on site in your practice with the selection of the individually matched system solution and with all questions regarding instrument reprocessing.

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The MELAG THERMINATOR: As powerful as Schwarzenegger in his prime! 🤖 The innovation from the future against viruses and germs.

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