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1.001 Fragen rund um Praxis-Hygiene

Die Webinare der Hygiene Allianz

Wir machen Ihre HYGIENE sicher & sichtbar!

Deutschlands Arzt- und Zahnarztpraxen investieren viel Zeit und Geld in ihr Hygienemanagement. Diese Leistungen stärker in den Fokus zu rücken und transparent darzustellen, ist nur ein Ziel der neuen HYGIENE ALLIANZ, für die sich MELAG Medizintechnik, die DFA Heilwesen und der Praxis+Award zusammengeschlossen haben und in regelmäßigen Webinaren alles rund um das Thema Hygiene diskutieren.

Mit dem „Hygiene Prädikat“ gibt jede Arztpraxis ein Qualitätsversprechen gegenüber ihren Patient*innen ab. Dieses Versprechen wollen die drei Partner der HYGIENE ALLIANZ als gemeinsame Absender uneingeschränkt unterstützen. Deshalb stehen wir Ihnen zur Seite - sowohl bei der täglichen Arbeit als auch bei der kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung des Hygienemanagements. Unsere Webinare sollen dazu beitragen, Wissen zu vermitteln und Sie fit zu machen in allen Fragen der Praxishygiene.

Quartalsbericht HYGIENE, Teil 3

An overview of the measures currently required for daily hygiene management and, in particular, for practice inspections - with practical tips.

Recording of the live webinar from 18 November 2023

Quartalsbericht HYGIENE, Teil 2

An overview of the measures currently required for daily hygiene management and, in particular, for practice inspections - with practical tips. Recording of the live webinar from 10 June 2023

Quartalsbericht HYGIENE, Teil 1

An overview of the measures currently required for daily hygiene management and, in particular, for practice inspections - with practical tips. Recording of the live webinar from 29 October 2022


HYGIENE ALLIANZ takes all practices "by the hand"

Trust grows with awareness

As part of the cooperation, MELAG, the DFA and the PRAXIS+AWARD will now jointly validate and update all criteria and the procedure for awarding the "Hygiene Award". Furthermore, HYGIENE ALLIANZ wants to ensure a new culture of appreciation for this topic with targeted measures and joint events. Practices and patients alike will ultimately benefit from greater public awareness of the efforts and investments made in hygiene management.
While practice owners and their teams take the high, legally prescribed and voluntary standards of their hygiene management for granted, patients often feel rather uncertain about this topic.

For trust, safety and orientation

The objective of HYGIENE ALLIANZ is therefore: firstly, to provide patients with orientation and safety, and secondly, to emphasise the services provided by practices in a transparent and comprehensible manner. To this end, the "Hygiene Rating" uses a certified procedure to document compliance with and implementation of all legally binding hygiene requirements as well as the voluntary services that a practice provides in terms of hygiene, thereby "translating" and "visualising" this commitment for patients.


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