The reprocessing of gynecological instruments primarily involves the use of non-surgical instruments such as vaginal specula or corn forceps. These instruments, which may come into contact with mucous membranes or pathologically altered skin but do not injure them, generally do not require sterilization in an autoclave. Mechanical cleaning and disinfection in a washer-disinfector is sufficient to safely and efficiently meet the legally prescribed hygiene standards in a gynaecological practice.
Washer-disinfectors in gynaecology offer many advantages: they guarantee hygienically perfect, standardized and validatable cleaning and disinfection, save time and money in terms of personnel deployment and thus enable easy integration into everyday practice. One example is MELAtherm 10 and MELAtherm 10 Evolution, which are tailored to the requirements of gynecological practices with state-of-the-art technology and special loading patterns.
Although washer-disinfectors are generally sufficient in gynecology, autoclaves can also be used for critical surgical instruments if required. They enable an additional reduction in the risk of infection through steam sterilization by reliably inactivating even resistant microorganisms such as spores. With regard to the instruments used in gynaecology, we recommend the use of a more attractively priced class S autoclave, as no complex hollow instruments such as vaginal specula or corn forceps are sterilized in a gynaecological practice.
The combination of washer-disinfector and autoclave forms a seamless hygiene cycle, particularly in practices that strive for maximum safety or follow special hygiene concepts. The washer-disinfector performs thorough cleaning and disinfection, while the autoclave performs the final sterilization.