The helix test - also known as the steam penetration test - is an essential part of the routine control of class B autoclaves used for the sterilization of medical instruments and materials.
The helix test is used to check that a sterilization process with fractionated pre-vacuum is running correctly. The test system consists of a test body (PCD = Process Challenge Device) and an indicator strip. The helix belongs to the group of class 2 chemical indicators in accordance with DIN EN ISO 11140-1.
In accordance with DIN EN 13060, the test specimen is used to simulate loads with complex hollow bodies (classification type A) for small steam sterilizers and can also be used as a routine test for large sterilizers in accordance with DIN EN 285. A successfully performed helix test thus ensures that the autoclave achieves the necessary pressures, times and temperatures to effectively sterilize even hard-to-reach areas of hollow instruments.